a girl and her hair // hair FAQs

Over the past couple years, I can't count how many emails, comments or tweets I've gotten about my hair, "Is it real?", "What's your secret", "Omg!". Every single one of them, super flattering and kind. But my first thought is always, "Yeah, but they don't really know how much work it is!" I would take straight shiny locks over my own any day. Grass is always greener, eh? Truth is, I have super curly hair and a lot of it, and on some days it can be downright unmanageable. I dread going to the hair salon because it always takes the stylist double time. I always tip well, perhaps a little too well. Aside from all that, going to a salon is a totally new experience for me. My mother was a hair stylist and growing up all my haircuts took place in my kitchen. Me in my pj's and my mum working her magic on my challenging locks. I still haven't found a hair stylist that can cut my hair as well as my mother did, which is actually the reason my hair is so long. My mum taught me some super valuable tricks and lessons on styling which I am extremely fortunate to know. Anyways, here are a few of the questions I get asked the most.
- How do you style your curls and get them to hold? This is what works for me: after washing, I use a leave conditioner/heat protector (I love this one by Neutrogena) and let my hair air dry. When my hair is mostly dry I either set all of my hair is hot rollers or I use a curling iron. My favorite iron has this really neat function where it blows hot air through the barrel while your curling and I swear by it! I divide my hair in sections starting with the hair at the back of my head and work my way up to the front. Then finish with a light hairspray.
- How often to do you wash your hair? I can't wash my hair every day. I usually wash it 2-3 times a week. I swear by dry shampoo and moroccan oil to help my hair looking and feeling pretty.
- What Shampoo do you use? I change it up so often, but my favorite is TRESemme's smooth and silky. It's totally affordable and works. I love how large the bottles are... Did I mention I have a lot of hair?
- Is your hair naturally curly? Yes. Very. And I think that's why my hair can hold a curl so well. My mum once described my hair to be like a pipe cleaner, it's so thick, once it's bent to a certain shape it just holds it. Even when it's straightened, it holds.
- Is your hair all yours? No extensions? Yep. All mine.
- Where can I find the tutorial on how to style your hair? I've never done one. Someone out there is saying I have. Perhaps, I need to make one.
Okay, that's all for now. If you have any other questions, just email me or tweet. I'll always answer. I've put off doing this for so long because I felt like I was tooting my own horn, or being a conceited butt and makes me a bit uncomfortable. It just seemed that a few of you were genuinely interested.
Moroccan Oil = my hair saviour! It's the only thing that makes my hair feel smooth and bouncy.
Question: What do you ask for when you do get your hair cut? I love the way the curls fall in your hair - but I can never get mine to look like that!
xo Becky
a curling iron that blows hot air??! what is the brand/make?
Yeah! It's fantastic. Believe it or not it's a Conair, super cheap iron, but I have never been able to find another one like it. I don't know what I'll do if it ever breaks.
I replied on your blog, which btw is adorable! :)
nice! i just found your blog and i'm seriously enchanted by your hair. ridiculously beautiful!
thank you!!
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